proTile Map Editor v2.4 is now Live!

New big update is now live on the Asset Store –!/content/11698

Release Notes for v2.4:

  • New Features
    • 3D Grid (+grid scale)
    • Export Map (or any other GamObject) to Raw OBJ with textures/materials + Example
    • Save Get & Load Raw map data + Example
    • Fixed Tile Snap + Example
    • Custom Pivot + Example
    • Custom Snap Size + Example
    • Terrain & 360 snap (alpha) + Example
    • Ability to set Forced Global Fixed Snap
    • Change Camera Sensitivity
    • Ability to use (or not) Tile Prefab rotation reference in uteMapLoader
    • CMD/Ctrl + S for full Map Save
    • New Tiles
  • Improvements
    • More UI additions
    • Better and more Undo functionality
    • Camera improvements
    • General UI & Design improvements
    • More support for Runtime API
    • General stability & performance improvements
    • Faster Map Load
    • Better data structure for memory improvements
    • Better Snap physics calculations
    • Improved mobile support
    • Improved all Examples
    • Complete support for latest 5.4 Unity version
    • Updated Documentation & Help
  • Fixes
    • Fixed Grid up/down movement that was failing in some cases
    • Fixed “Prepare for Runtime” where Unity sometimes hung
    • Fixed Preview display when having lots of Tiles
    • Fixed Name display for Tiles & Categories when the name is very large
    • Fixed Async Load when loading more than 2 maps at the same time
    • Fixed Tile Rotations when updating Prefabs in some cases
    • Fixed Layers merge that were failing in some rare cases
    • Fixed Options sometimes not saving some settings
    • Fixed Undo bug

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